
Primary Media Contact: Holly Walker, Public Relations Manager
Secondary Media Contact: Heather Busch, Creative Services Manager


CHESTER and MIDLOTHIAN, Va. – John Tyler Community College is pleased to announce its students named to the honors and dean’s lists for the Summer 2021 semester. Students named to the honors list have completed at least 24 college credit hours at Tyler and have achieved a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5. Students named to the dean’s list are full-time students (12 or more college credits, exclusive of developmental credits) who have earned a minimum 3.2 GPA for the semester. 

Honors (zip codes appear in parentheses) 
Kaitlyn Abbott (23112)
Andre Abou Khazen (23139)
Robert Ackerman (23834)
Sara Adam (23803)
Hailey Adams (23875)
Saria Afzal (23112)
Kyla Alexander (23803)
Ghaith Al-Hussein Awamleh (23220)
Brittney Allen (23235)
Ginger Allgeier (23235)
Mudra Amin (23831)
Zachary Antonioli (23228)
Selena Arellano (23237)
Kylie Arthur (23831)
Teri Asim (23831)
Sarah Aud (23114)
Melissa Autry (23112)
Lily Rose Back (23238)
Matyce Bailey (23112)
Caitlyn Baird (23893)
Brad Bakken (23225)
Juvencio Balcaceres (23832)
Jennifer Ball (23236)
Kimberly Barillas (23831)
Kaitlin Bayer (23139)
Josiah Beardslee (23114)
Brittany Beason (23832)
James Beauchamp (23113)
John Belcher (23234)
Fatima Beltran Fuentes (23834)
Christopher Bennett (23112)
Madeline Benson (23112)
Genevieve Benzinger (23112)
Artinsial Berry (23834)
Kaylinn Bezenar (23220)
Victoria Bing (23119)
Jennifer Bishop (23841)
Martha Catherine Blan (23236)
Austin Blanton (23113)
Bailey Blevins (24375)
Lilah Blount (23139)
Jogly Bocanegra (23834)
Alyson Boehling (23112)
Hannah Bogert (23113)
Evan Bond (23112)
Bianca Bonilla (23860)
Jessica Bower (23112)
Claire Bowman (24060)
Emily Bracco (23112)
Nicholas Brinegar (23112)
Aaron Brookins (23112)
Rebecca Browder (23139)
Jade Brown (66027)
Sierra Brown (23120)
Shawn Bryant (23234)
Pimthada Bubphamala (23060)
Giacomo Buffo (23112)
Anthony Burch (23834)
Anne Burdyck-McConnell (23832)
Michael Burke (23834)
Rose Bustamante (23112)
Castalano Byrd (30224)
Angela Cabaniss (23803)
Joseph Cahill (23113)
Winter Cairns (23834)
James Calderon (23834)
Kevin Callahan (23237)
Janay Cameron (23114)
Aubrie Camp (23834)
Nicole Camus (23831)
Gaten Cancino (23860)
Declan Carlisle (23113)
Nora Carlucci (23114)
Emmeline Carter (23233)
Teryn Carver (23112)
Barbie Cassada (23236)
Megan Chambers (22406)
Ishan Chaudhary (23803)
Maryam Chaudhry (23225)
Lucas Chazo (23114)
Dillon Childress (23114)
Abigail Clampett (23221)
Cordial Clark (23803)
Sandra Clark (24101)
Tonya Clarke (23832)
Cody Cline (23234)
Daniel Cohen (23832)
Corjarita Coleman-Johnson (23831)
Jeremy Collins (23112)
Seth Compton (24523)
Kaitlyn Connolly (23236)
Joshua Contner (23832)
Bryanna Coraggio (23181)
James Corbett (23832)
Déja Cordero (23831)
Erica Cornthwaite (23235)
Erica Courtney (23875)
William Cousins (23824)
Elizabeth Cozens (23229)
Emily Creed (23220)
Kendall Crenshaw (23832)
Victoria Dakin (23875)
Oliver Daniel (23235)
Melissa De Jesus Jean (23838)
Daniela De la llave Chavez (23112)
Charles Dean (22827)
Faith Deiny (23116)
Collin Denzler (23112)
Nicole Desaedeleer (23824)
Matthew Domer (23113)
Abram Donahue (23936)
Geena Dorazio (23120)
Sydney Dorn (23139)
Jacob Doyle (23832)
Kellee Dreeson (23112)
Brandon Drew (23883)
Holly Duncan (23237)
Sophia Duncan (23114)
Trevor Eales (23236)
William Earnest (23139)
Logan Eaton (23225)
Elijah Edens (23002)
Samantha Edis (23805)
Raychel Eller (23834)
Brendan Elliott (23236)
Patrick Eugene (23831)
Andrew Evitts (23114)
Todd Farschon (23803)
Daniel Feck (23112)
Morgan Felch (23838)
Brandon Feller (23112)
Jada Fernandez (23231)
Ryan Firth (23120)
Alexandra Flowe (23220)
Chris Foca (23120)
Ires Foley (23112)
Carrie Ford (23112)
Hannah Forehand (23832)
Gregory Fox (23235)
Payton France (23832)
Jaelin Frank (23831)
Caleb Frelier (23831)
Payton French (23192)
Valerie Freund (23113)
Erica Fuentes (23832)
Wilmer Fuentes Valdez (23139)
Halee Gagnon (23838)
Alyssa Gaines (23832)
Tina Garcia-Martinez (23112)
Joseph Garofolo (23228)
Jamie Garrett (24333)
Natassja Garris (23803)
Todd Gay (23113)
Elizabeth Gentile (23120)
Janice George (23120)
Jeffrey Gibson (23112)
Avais Gilani (23114)
Kelly Givens (23112)
Alexander Glickstein (23832)
Christopher Glover (23832)
Caprinia Goode (23832)
Taylor Goolsby (23139)
Alexandra Gordon (23838)
Tatiana Gracheva (23114)
Colin Graham (23838)
Kayla Grant (23803)
Mannix Green (23059)
Kyla Greenway (23139)
Lauren Grella (23113)
Jezlyn Greska (23838)
Madison Griffith (23113)
Malayne Gutierrez (23236)
James Gwinn (23237)
Leen Habahbeh (23113)
Carli Hagenbuch (23112)
Jacob Hahn (23114)
Jacob Halenda (23233)
Peter Halliday (23225)
Brennan Halquist (23139)
Nicolle Hancock (23112)
Sarah Harrell (23139)
Amanda Harris (23112)
Christina Harris (23803)
Madalyn Harris (23139)
Mallery Harvell (23838)
Hailey Hawkins (24517)
India Hawkins (23237)
Jocelyn Hayden (23831)
Philip Heaton (23112)
Colleen Henneberry (23832)
Nicholas Herrarte Smith (23120)
LoReesa Hobson (23237)
Stephanie Hogg (23117)
Nicholas Hogge (23113)
Lacey Holbrook (33034)
Kaitlyn Holcombe (23235)
Mary Howard (23181)
Penelope Huhmann (23236)
Matthew Hultzapple (23225)
Rachael Humerickhouse (23235)
Jovanny Ibarra (23002)
Ibrahim Ibrahim (23834)
Kelly Innis (23224)
Maria Izquierdo- Alejandro (23002)
Corinne Jackson (23831)
Mary Jakubowski (23112)
Caitlyn Jenkins (23237)
Jiya Jo (23834)
James Johnson (23831)
Emily Jones (23002)
Gannon Jones (23140)
Harrison Jones (23113)
Julia Jones (23235)
Ashley Jordan (23120)
Ashley Joyner (23231)
Hiley Justis (23220)
Sukhpreet Kang (23836)
Hunter Keck (23831)
Stacy Kendall (23235)
Katherine Kennedy (23112)
Schuyler Kenyon (23229)
Whitney Kersey (23831)
Michael Kiese (23834)
Alexis Kling (23112)
Hayden Klingler (23832)
Johnathan Knispel (23832)
Kelly Kosiarski (23838)
Jacob Krebs (23838)
Selena Kuenzig (23803)
Shelby Lail (23803)
Zoe Lancaster (23235)
Jason Langenes (23805)
Darby LaTessa (23221)
Hezyl Lawing (23836)
Nicholas Layton (23842)
Rosalia Lesniak (23112)
Kimberly Lewis (23059)
Monique Lewis (23805)
Marissa Lipp (23832)
Jessica Lipsett (23112)
Dominique Lockley (23228)
Roberto Lopez (23235)
Andrew Lucy (23840)
Olivia Lukanuski (23223)
Abbey Lynch (23114)
Lilia Lysinger (23002)
Nathan Lysinger (23002)
Jerri Mabe Tuck (24592)
Ryan Maher (23235)
Asra Mahum (23836)
Ajani Maiden (23836)
Stephen Makarewicz (23237)
Adora Malcolm (23223)
Mai Marjenhoff (23832)
Jelissa Marshall (23075)
Ericka Martinez Orihuela (23234)
David Matthews (23113)
Robert McClintick (23113)
Joshua McDaniel (23838)
Bruce McGeorge (23229)
Mya McKee (23831)
Brianna McKenney (23112)
Samuel McKey (23114)
Isabella McLachlan (23139)
Mickael McRoberts (23230)
Emma Meadows (23114)
Kirollos Megalaa (23832)
Emanuel Mendoza (23832)
Armel Mgbangarrah (23228)
Summer Mikalson (23113)
Christopher Miller (23830)
Eliana Miller (23113)
Emma-Cate Miller (23112)
Gary Miller (23113)
Greyson Miller (23040)
Lily Miller (23222)
Sarah Miller (23112)
Gregory Milner (23113)
Lauren Misson (23114)
Asil Mohammad (23231)
Basma Mohammad (23231)
Ana Monteiro de Bourbon Reinaldo (23112)
Amanda Moore (23112)
Garrett Moore (23112)
Sadaf Moradi (23060)
Corbett Morgan (23002)
Brenden Morris (23238)
Carter Morris (23113)
Hayley Moss (23139)
Savannah Mullaly (23236)
Faith Murerwa (23832)
Mitchell Murfee (23112)
Amanda Murphy (23838)
Cameron Murray (23834)
Sean Murray (23223)
Opal Myers (23224)
Colby Myles (23832)
Jason Neace (23834)
Laura Neely (23834)
Hope Nellis (23841)
Zoe Nettles (23803)
Jacob Newton (23832)
Matthew Nichol (23120)
Kimberly Nichols (23112)
Grace Novey (23113)
Zulma Nunfio (23234)
Abdirizak Nur (23236)
Jean-Paul Nurko (23223)
Cierra Oakley (23139)
John Oconnor (23237)
Lance Olayvar (23236)
Myint Myint Oo (23059)
Evelyn Orellana (23237)
Courtnie Palmer (24502)
Taylar Palmer (23229)
Domonique Parham (23220)
Riana Park (23225)
Yunjin Park (23059)
Hannah Parrish (23139)
Jami Parrish (23120)
Devan Patel (23831)
Het Patel (23234)
Nishchay Patel (23234)
Lillie Patteson (23236)
Donald Payne (23872)
Brandon Pearson (23114)
Krystal Peerman (23803)
Lauren Pelter (23832)
Jerald Perry (23838)
Regina Peyton (23234)
Emma Piehl (23060)
Gavin Piette (23831)
Amy Pintea (23114)
Anna Pletch (23838)
Travis Pope (23224)
Victoria Pope (23139)
Joshua Posey (23841)
Caroline Powell (23113)
Robert Powell (24592)
William Powell (23831)
Matthew Pruitt (24586)
Eric Quarles (23150)
Angel Quirion (23236)
Jacob Radabaugh (23238)
Amaya Ralph (23832)
Ximena Ramirez (23150)
Franco Ramos (23234)
Lekayla Ransome (23838)
Geraldine Raybould (23237)
Ashley Raynor (23231)
Osman Razzaq (22150)
Susanna Redling (23860)
Elle Reid (23235)
Mallory Reynaud (23120)
Tristan Richardson (23833)
Yashima Richardson (23235)
Anthony Richio (23114)
Alana Rising (23838)
Rachelle Roberts (23832)
Hannah Robinson (32534)
Arthur Rodgers (21035)
Julia Rodrigues (23235)
Felicia Rogers (23832)
Wade Rosenbaum (23236)
Carolina Rowland (23803)
Jonathan Ryder (23838)
Anna Saakian (23220)
Kelsey Sacher (23831)
Arian Saeedi (23834)
Nicole Sager (23059)
Joshua Sanchez (23803)
Nicholle Sawyers (23114)
Sebine Scaria (23836)
Delaney Schofell (23002)
Diana Schroth (23831)
Haley Schultz (23112)
Megan Schwemmer (23831)
Jayda Seals (23831)
Chris Seo (23238)
Sierra Shapert (23112)
Chelsea Sharma (23223)
Leah Sharpe (23234)
Cheryl Shaw (23114)
Madeline Sheldon (23113)
Emerson Shrader (23225)
Lauren Siecker (23832)
Isaiah Sieunarine (23225)
Daniel Siggia (23832)
Emilee Simms (23832)
Hailey Slifer (23832)
Austin Smith (23226)
Breeze Smith (23831)
Cameo Smith (24122)
Riley Smith (23231)
Stacie Snyder (23834)
Alexander Som (23237)
Jessica St. John (24502)
Hunter Stainback (23850)
Jack Stanley (23112)
Alana Stewart (23112)
Sarah Story (23111)
Casey Strickler (23220)
William Strom (23113)
Luke Sturgeon (23112)
Michelle Sturgeon (23059)
Hartuelle Sullano (23831)
Sonu Sunil (23234)
Demyana Tadros (23114)
Jack Taylor (23112)
Philip Taylor (23840)
Yunek Teague (23831)
David Tench (23803)
Kayla Tench (23114)
Amy Tetterton (23139)
DeShayla Thomas (23860)
Kristin Thompson (23838)
Megan Timmerman (23224)
Jessica Timpson (23235)
William Toney (23113)
Bailey Traylor (23885)
Lauren Traylor (23112)
Andy Tucker (23139)
Adriana Ugalde Mondragon (23834)
Felisha Valente (23237)
Brittany Van den Nieuwenhof (9302)
Mackenzie Van Dyke (23692)
Schuyler Van Syckle (23832)
Riley Veazey (23831)
Katherine Vega (23236)
Alan Velasquez (23831)
Francesca Verdura (23693)
Jovany Vigil-Perez (23234)
Katherine Villalobos (23234)
Maria Kathleen Villanueva (23234)
Judith Vincent (23860)
Courtney Walden (23834)
Camille Walsh-Antzak (23832)
Alison Wanamaker (23236)
Caitlin Wanamaker (23236)
Sherry Warman (23225)
Jared Waters (23039)
Bradley Webster (23112)
Nicole Weddington (23112)
Stefan Weingertner (23113)
Emma Wettstein (23834)
Christopher Wheeler (23224)
Frances Whelan (23002)
Jasmine Willey (23120)
Brandon Williams (23832)
Larry Williams (23842)
Naje' Willis (23238)
Nathan Winters (23229)
Ella Wolf (23139)
Gregory Wolfe (23838)
Kayla Wood (24184)
Julia Woodard (23139)
Raleigh Worsham (23113)
Elizabeth Yearout (23112)
Hnin Yee (23801)
Hugh Young III (23114)
Merilyn Zinkwich (23112)
Ariana Zoldork (23233)

Dean’s List (zip codes appear in parentheses) 
Maliha Ataullah (23832)
Angeli Blanton (23838)
Katelyn Bray (23139)
Carleisha Burt (23112)
Nicole Cliborne (23872)
Ciara DeSanno (23875)
Cynthia Devereaux (23112)
Ryan DuCharme (23114)
Erica Griffin (24503)
Bobby Harper (23235)
Jordan Hernaez (23112)
Silvia Hernandez (23112)
Thien Huynh (23236)
Amoni Jones (23860)
D'era Jones (23002)
Quiara Jones (23224)
Willis Kearney (23224)
William Kelly (23225)
Raven Kilgore (24219)
Jillian Kipers (23832)
George Knight (23220)
Samantha McLawhorn (23224)
Emily Mohan (23231)
Irvin Pacas Rodriguez (23237)
Aryana Patterson (23075)
Taye Prentice (23114)
Kali Ross (23841)
Gabrielle Sehlhorst (23113)
Avery Taylor (23114)
Raymond Trac (23060)
Mason White (23112)
Colin Wilson (23838)
Brittany Woolridge (23075)

John Tyler Community College, which is becoming Brightpoint Community College, offers more than 75 majors that provide pathways to careers in high-demand fields; transfer opportunities to four-year colleges and universities; and industry credentials and licensures. The college, with campuses in Chester and Midlothian, online classes, and off-campus classrooms, served more than 13,600 students during the 2019-20 academic year. It also assisted more than 6,300 learners through its workforce development division, Community College Workforce Alliance, a partnership between Tyler and Reynolds community colleges.

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