Campus Parking
Brightpoint offers easy access parking at both of its campuses. While some spaces are marked, most are open for all to use. Parking lot locations are shown on our downloadable campus maps. GRTC Route 3B serves our Chester Campus. Until further notice, GRTC has waived its fares.
Parking Decals
Brightpoint requires parking decals for students, faculty and staff.
Decals should be displayed on the outside of your vehicle’s rear window or on its rear bumper.
Your tuition and fees cover the costs of parking at Brightpoint. Parking decals for students are issued by the college's Security department.
Your campus parking decal is good for one year, July 1 – June 30.
To get a parking decal:
Student Instructions:
Log in to your MyBrightpoint portal.
Click on the SIS tile.
Once in SIS, click on the tile for “Student Records eForms."
On the left, click the tab for “Parking Decal Request eForm."
Fill out the information on the form to the best of your knowledge and then click the blue “Submit” button at the bottom of the page when finished.
To view a submitted eForm, follow steps 1-3 above, then click the “View a Forms eForm” tab. Click “Search."
Starting July 1, bring an official photo ID (your Student ID Card is preferred, but another form of ID such as your driver’s license, military ID, or state ID will be accepted) to campus, and pick up your parking decal from:
Chester Campus: Moyar Hall Security Desk (1st floor) and Nicholas Center Security Desk (by the bookstore)
Midlothian Campus: Administration Building Security Desk (1st floor) and Trailblazer Hall Security Desk (1st floor)
Note: You may use the same instructions to add a new vehicle, change vehicle information on an existing decal, renew an expired decal, or to remove a vehicle from your account.
Faculty and Staff
Brightpoint faculty and staff may find information about employee parking decals in the Human Resources section of the employee intranet.
Visitors do not need to obtain a parking decal or pass. Marked visitor spots may be found in some campus lots. If all spaces are full, visitors are welcome to park in an unmarked space.
February 19: Change in Operations
Due to the weather, Brightpoint Community College will be operating remotely on Wednesday, February 19. Buildings on campus will be closed. Learn more...