Brightpoint Community College Announces its Summer 2022 Honors and Dean’s List Students
More than 400 students were recognized for their academic achievements.
CHESTER and MIDLOTHIAN, Va. – Brightpoint Community College, formerly John Tyler Community College, is pleased to announce its students named to the honors and dean’s lists for the Summer 2022 semester. Students named to the honors list have completed at least 24 college credit hours at the college and have achieved a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5. Students named to the dean’s list are full-time students (12 or more college credits, exclusive of developmental credits) who have earned a minimum 3.2 GPA for the semester.
Honors (zip codes appear in parentheses)
Mrafi Abdelrahman (23112)
Temiloluwa Abiodun (23831)
Leidy Abreu (23234)
Aya Elzein (23233)
Basma Ahmed (23235)
Laniyah Allamby (23836)
Andrew Allen (23139)
Brittney Allen (23235)
Olivia Aloi (23838)
Evan Amesbury (23113)
Peyton Amos (23112)
Alissa Anderson (23222)
Hayley Anderson (23188)
Myles Anderson (23112)
Kitty Aquino (23228)
Siddra Arshad (23059)
Jasmin Ascencio (23832)
Maliha Ataullah (23832)
Julian Babecki (23832)
Hannah Bailey (23120)
Brea Baldwin (23139)
Matthew Banis (23834)
Isabella Barias (23113)
Kimberly Barillas (23831)
Juan Barreto Jerez (23832)
Frances Barron (23831)
Marcus Bartell (23231)
Keith Baskerville (23834)
Shawn Batty (23236)
Kaitlin Bayer (23237)
Brittany Beason (23832)
Beaux Beauchamp (23113)
Kadeem Bedward (23834)
Riley Beeckler (23832)
John Belcher (23234)
Emma Bell (23114)
Grace Berry (23112)
Nicole Best (20151)
Christopher Birkmeyer (23114)
Sadie Bivins (23834)
Martha Catherine Blan (23236)
Andrew Bloomquest (23225)
Brett Bluestein (23112)
Jogly Bocanegra (23834)
Gloria Bogert (23113)
Angela Bokenko (23831)
Jennifer Bonda (23831)
Shalisa Borden (23237)
Cameron Bostic (23803)
Natasha Annable (23139)
Amanda Bowman (23838)
Bea Bratton (24175)
Tyler Brenner (23838)
Meghan Breslin (23113)
Carson Bride (23842)
Rebecca Browder (23139)
Briana Brown (23836)
Elizabeth Brown (23231)
Jacob Brown (23113)
Maria Burleigh (23832)
Deanna Humble (23120)
Alyssiana Butler (23235)
James Calderon (23834)
Jennifer Calhoun (23224)
Hannah Calliott (23113)
Jade Campbell (23832)
Rafael Carrillo (23139)
David Carter (22980)
Rebeccah Carter (23083)
Tristan Carter (23832)
Teryn Justice (23112)
Nicholas Casey (23834)
Sandra Castelan (23224)
Wendi Snodgrass (23235)
Ash Chappell (23236)
Miguel Chavarria (23832)
Josephine Banis (23834)
Shelby Cheatham (23832)
Christabell Chesoh (23237)
Jolie Childress (23120)
Tanner Clements (23838)
Alex Colgin (23231)
Victoria Cook (23093)
Bryanna Coraggio (23181)
Déja Cordero (23831)
Aamya Cosby (23860)
Lamar Cotton (23831)
Nicholas Cox (23831)
Darcy Creed (23112)
Alan Crites (23237)
Amber Crittenden (23112)
Courtney Cronin (23192)
Sarah Crowe (23831)
Angela Jessica Dacanay (23831)
Anderson Dahdouh (23112)
Brittney Dauley (23112)
Sylvia Davies (22193)
Taylor Davis (23112)
Lynne Dawson (23225)
Dylan DeHart (23838)
Molly Overstreet (23112)
Akash Deep (23831)
Faith Deiny (23116)
Millie Delgado (23832)
Elizabeth Dooley (23233)
Geena Dorazio (23120)
Jordan Doss (23114)
Ethan DuBrueler (23120)
Morgan Easley (23236)
Gabrielle Echard (23113)
Justin Edwards (23002)
Luke Eidson (23113)
Erin Elam (23139)
Sofia Elliott (23838)
Richard Ennis (24541)
Trey Everett (23834)
Candace Fannin (23842)
Todd Farschon (23803)
Marie Fink-Mohler (24450)
Kiearie Fitzgerald (23803)
Ebony Fleming (23831)
Serinati Flowers (23834)
Rebekah Foss (23111)
Jacquelene Foster (23805)
Edward Gabor (23120)
Emma Gardner (23223)
Tyla Garris (23831)
Kristin Gaulin (23221)
Charles Gendrow IV (23894)
Beshoy Gerges (23235)
Arden Giasullo (23238)
Kelly Givens (23112)
Alexandra Gordon (23838)
Marisa Gottschalk (23114)
Colin Grace (23120)
Trinity Green (23832)
Jezlyn Greska (23838)
Maria Guevara (23831)
Kailee Guthrie (23235)
Carli Hagenbuch (23112)
Tristen Hall (23219)
Brennan Halquist (23139)
Faryal Haq (23112)
Emily Harrison (23831)
Kira Harvey (23235)
Melanie Haugh (23834)
Taylor Hawkins (23112)
De'Nazia Hebron (23120)
Eleanor Heimburg (23234)
Shae Hensley (23236)
Jordan Hernaez (23112)
Edgar Hernandez (23832)
James Hernandez (23834)
Magdalene Hernandez (23229)
Stephanie Hernandez (23237)
Prince Hopson (23860)
Tiffany Howard (23139)
Melissa Hoye (23139)
Alvaro Huarhua-Tapia (23112)
Bethany Baril (23113)
Thien Huynh (23236)
Heather Inman (23112)
Corinne Jackson (23831)
Monica Edwards (23225)
Catherine Jacquemin (23831)
Bless Jah (23238)
Amina James (23836)
Evan Jennings (23113)
Isabella Jennings (23113)
Elizabeth Jessen (23836)
Jalyn Jimenez Garcia (23838)
Keyli Jimenez Garcia (23838)
Celena Johnson (23850)
Devynn Johnson (23860)
Kayla Johnson (23842)
Eric Jones (23867)
Eva Jones (23112)
Gene Jones (23838)
Harrison Jones (23113)
Kaysha Jones (23220)
Shakwantiia Jones (23831)
Ashley Joyner (23231)
Laura Kane (23060)
Shanna Keaton (23832)
Stacy Kendall Pearman (23235)
Alistair Kent (23235)
Katherine Keppel (23220)
Charles Kerr (23112)
Tevi Khmao (23832)
Angela Killion (23838)
Cole Kimmich (23139)
Regina Klimchock (23114)
Johnathan Knispel (23832)
Josie Knowles (23237)
Nick Kochanski (23832)
Luke Koftan (23231)
Vasili Konstantinakos (23112)
Darby LaTessa (23221)
Nupur Lalla (23860)
Jesse Landis (23040)
Emma Leahy (23139)
Jessica Leake (22942)
LaTika Lee (23234)
Rosalia Lesniak (23112)
Alyssa LoTempio (23226)
Brody Longacre (23838)
Isabella Lopez (23225)
Roberto Lopez (23235)
Paisley Loucks (23834)
Tess Lovero (23236)
Cody Loving (23114)
Jessica Lull (23141)
Stephen Makarewicz (23237)
Sydney Marsh (23112)
Jelissa Marshall (23075)
Mayra Martinez (23693)
Susana Martinez-Ochoa (80017)
Ibraheem Masood (23832)
David Matthews (23113)
Taylor Mauro (23059)
Daniel McCloud (23831)
Justin McDaniel (23225)
Mya McKee (23831)
Joshua McKinney (23831)
Holly McKnight (23032)
Emily McLean (23838)
Nathan McWilliams (23832)
Ana Metcalf (23113)
Sean Michaux (23112)
Collin Miller (23838)
Madison Miller (23113)
Carrie Mae Mique (23112)
Kayla Mizelle (23139)
Saamiya Mohammed (23233)
Franciele Momberg (23005)
Alese Monahan (23112)
Jonathan Mooney (23112)
Garrett Moore (23112)
Kaitlyn Moore (23113)
Melany Moreira (23237)
Keith Motley (24540)
Savana Munoz (23834)
Alexandra Murphy (23838)
Amanda Murphy (23838)
Colby Myles (23832)
Donald Nettleton (23834)
Ian Nguyen (23112)
Linh Nguyen (23234)
Jean-Paul Nurko (23223)
Sean O'brien (23112)
Jonathan Ocasio (23236)
Lance Olayvar (23236)
Kennedy Olds (23120)
Erin Oley (23102)
Gaetano Oliveri (23113)
Evelyn Orellana (23237)
Michael Ott (23831)
Deja Cannie (23831)
Kira Pantazis (23114)
Victoria Parham (23831)
William Parker (23838)
Bethany Parson (23888)
Emily Partee (23114)
Lillie Patteson (23236)
Lynette Pauth (23832)
Jessica Payne (23831)
Krystal Peerman (23803)
Samantha Pegram (23831)
Alan Peterson (23803)
Maia Pettaway (23838)
Hoang Pham (23112)
Harrison Phillips (23192)
Elliott Plante (23153)
Vivian Plante (23153)
Victor Polemeni (23875)
Farrin Polli (23112)
Emily Popp (23113)
Abby Potts (23236)
Devin Powelson (23834)
Jourdan Proffit (23238)
Courtney Purks (23120)
Stephanie Quinby (23224)
Tanya Rachocki (23231)
Stephanie Raciti (23228)
Khadijah Randolph (23222)
Axel Rascon (23234)
Geraldine Raybould (23237)
Samuel Raymond (23113)
Rachel Redding (23220)
Tabitha Reeves (23831)
Kelly Reilly (23224)
Beatriz Reyes (23112)
Andrew Richardson (23803)
Tyler Richardson (23836)
Ervin Richebourg (23237)
Garrette Ritz (23139)
Rosalind Robertson (23139)
Leland Rogers (23831)
Alexa Rose (23836)
Daniel Routhier (23832)
LeAnne Ruiz (23235)
Maysoon Saeed (23120)
Emma Sailer (23112)
Nikki Sawyers (23114)
Benjamin Scaparo (23139)
Jennifer Schepker (23236)
Jeff Schlegel (23228)
Matthew Schneider (23112)
Janna Scholtz (23113)
Leif Schroeder (23113)
Sarah Schuckert (23120)
Daniel Seal (23838)
Farah Shaaban (23225)
Heilie Sheppard (23885)
Finn Shows (23235)
Victoria Shuklis (23803)
Hannah Skym (23112)
Hailey Slifer (23832)
Austin Smith (23226)
Candice Smith (23228)
Christopher Smith (23875)
Emily Smith (23803)
Hunter Smith (23860)
Matthew Smith (23236)
Stacie Snyder (23834)
Myeongeun Song (23294)
Nicole Soriano (23831)
Julia Spaine (23834)
Christian Stacy (23860)
Logan Stafford (23832)
Joseph Stegall (23836)
Kendall Stettler (23139)
Lauren Stewart (23139)
Casey Strickler (23220)
Alexis Stringer (23112)
Kira Stringer (23236)
Harty Sullano (23831)
Vanessa Tanner (23113)
Avery Taylor (23114)
Sarrah Taylor (23860)
Kayla Tench (23114)
Aislinn Thomas (23120)
Farrah Thomas (23860)
Tiondra Thomas (23832)
Samantha Thompson (23832)
Daniel Thurmond (23113)
Shayla Tinsley (23832)
Rylie Titler (23235)
Charlyn Todd (23803)
Connor Tolan-Mask (23112)
Elizabeth Triggs (23836)
Gwyn Tusia (23832)
Adriana Ugalde Mondragon (23834)
Rukhsora Umurzakova (23114)
Katie Urbanic (23114)
McKenzie Urbine (23139)
Sofia Valdivieso (23237)
Felisha Valente (23237)
Elizabeth Valik (23875)
Brianna Varner (23832)
Citlali Vasquez (23838)
Andrea Viar (23237)
Jovany Vigil-Perez (23234)
Aniya Vincent (23838)
Claudia Vincent (22015)
Alexander Wade (23234)
William Wallace (23235)
Nathan Wassem (23139)
Jared Waters (23039)
Jonathan Webber (23237)
Nicole Weddington (23112)
Stacy Wells (23930)
Matthew Wilcox (23841)
Jaisha Williams (23114)
Kirsten Wilmoth (23112)
Eric Wilson (23112)
Skylar Wingo (23083)
Jamez Winston (23832)
Jacob Wiseman (23831)
Ella Wolf (23139)
Sylvia Wolfgang (23112)
David Wood (23229)
Jordan Woodfin (23831)
Seth Woodfin (23114)
Haley Woodson (23040)
Kelly Yachuw (23234)
James Yeatts (23235)
Regina Yolango (23114)
Siheak Yun (23225)
Meghan Zerick (23083)
Wanying Zheng (23236)
Brian Zimmerman (23831)
Nadeem Zughbaba (23234)
Ciara deSanno (23875)
Dean’s List (zip codes appear in parentheses)
Jennifer Alfaro (23236)
Megan Audia (23112)
Orangel Bustamante (23225)
Xi Chen (23294)
Sydney Chewning (23803)
Rose Copado (23831)
Katherine Cordova (23114)
Crystina Covington (23836)
Nataly Feliciano (23875)
Alyssa Finnerty (23112)
Wendy Gonzalez-Montesflores (23234)
Elliot Hahn (23060)
Rachel Hicks (23024)
Angela Kerrick (23964)
Allison Kohler (23832)
Janna Lane (22827)
Hilary Love (23112)
Robert Marino (23120)
Luke McQuade (23832)
Diamon Patterson (23803)
Audra Roberts (23860)
Emily Rowland (23116)
Thomas Sheard (23238)
Luca-Marie Sommavilla (23832)
Daniel Villarroel (23111)
Cole Vita (23114)
Gavin Walker (23831)
Tiffany Whitehead (23223)
Brightpoint Community College, formerly John Tyler Community College, offers more than 80 majors that provide pathways to careers in high-demand fields; transfer opportunities to four-year colleges and universities; and industry credentials and licensures. The college, with campuses in Chester and Midlothian, online classes, and off-campus classrooms, served more than 11,400 students during the 2021-22 academic year. It also assisted approximately 5,700 learners, including more than 2,700 job seekers, through its workforce development division, Community College Workforce Alliance, a partnership between Brightpoint and Reynolds community colleges.
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