
Primary Media Contact: Holly Walker, Director of Communications and Public Relations, 804-594-1530

Secondary Media Contact: Heather Busch, Director of Marketing and Brand Strategy, 804-594-1532

CHESTER and MIDLOTHIAN, Va. – Brightpoint Community College is pleased to announce its students named to the honors and dean’s lists for the Summer 2023 semester. Students named to the honors list have completed at least 24 college credit hours at the college and have achieved a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5. Students named to the dean’s list are full-time students (12 or more college credits, exclusive of developmental credits) who have earned a minimum 3.2 GPA for the semester.

Honors (zip codes appear in parentheses)
Lemuela Abbah (23836)
Batoul Abdelhay (23235)
Ramzi Aboulhosn (23831)
Saria Afzal (23059)
Sidra Afzal (23059)
Kyla Alexander (23803)
Olivia Allmon (23139)
Mudra Amin (23831)
Elissa Anderson (23112)
Myles Anderson (23112)
Kasey Annis (22193)
Lindsey Armstrong (23294)
Morgan Arrington (23231)
Tracie Artis (23236)
Chad Athey (23840)
Destinee Austin (23803)
Purna B K (23112)
Hannah Bailey (23120)
Leah Banks (23120)
Bradley Barber (23120)
Bethany Baril (23113)
Elizabeth Barnes (23235)
Jordan Barrow (23120)
Marcus Bartell (23231)
Keith Baskerville (23834)
Erik Bates (23236)
Laurel Bauersachs (23114)
Natalya Baumhover (23120)
Hayden Bayles (23803)
Riley Bazemore (23838)
Beaux Beauchamp (23113)
Anders Beaurline (23219)
Nima Behboudi (23836)
Lauren Bello (23114)
Joseph Bentley (23192)
Steven Biamonte (23112)
Matthew Biles (23831)
Sophia Bitner (23834)
Corrie Blackwell (23236)
Martha Catherine Blan (23236)
Chevy Blankenship (23834)
Mercy Boakye--Boateng (23112)
Alarah Bolin (23842)
Jennifer Bonda (23831)
Terra Boothe (23803)
Noah Bowen (23236)
Kristi Brackett (23226)
Carson Bride (23831)
Caleb Broga (23834)
Shawn Brookins (23112)
Kelli Brooks (23146)
Aniyah Brown (23112)
Dylan Brown (23236)
Elizabeth Brown (23231)
Jerome Brown (22546)
Scott Brown (23860)
Jonah Burman (23803)
Diamonde Burns (23260)
Lei Butler (23856)
Luke Buzzard (23139)
Jennifer Byrne (22923)
Winter Cairns (23834)
Madelyne Camp (23834)
Jade Campbell (23832)
Robin Campbell (23831)
Aljane Caragos (23236)
Chris Carrillo (23120)
David Carter (22980)
Dylan Carter (23834)
Tristan Carter (23832)
Nicholas Casey (23834)
Christopher Castro (23236)
Jacobo Ceballos Vargas (23236)
Jena Chappell (23836)
Lucas Chazo (23114)
Faith Chege (23235)
Paige Chenoweth (23838)
Diya Chhabra (23831)
Jolie Childress (23120)
Regan Church (23231)
Savanna Church (25801)
Christina Coburn (23840)
Michael Colaiacovo III (23113)
Terry Cotman (23030)
Lamar Cotton (23831)
Jared Crews (23225)
Alan Crites (23237)
Robert Cunningham (23860)
Alina Daniel (23831)
Alexandria Davis (23231)
Cheryl Davis (23801)
Parker Davis (23831)
Taylor Davis (23112)
Miranda Dearbeck (23139)
Ilaria Degli Agostini (23231)
Nathan DeHart (23838)
Faith Deiny (23116)
Nikhil Deshpande (23112)
Matthew Domer (23113)
Conner Donnelly (23139)
Reid Downing (23112)
Jacob Doyle (23832)
Brandon Drew (23883)
Deveney Drew (23803)
Lauren Dupier (23114)
Ashley Dyer (23832)
Deanna Eastridge (24171)
Christopher Eccleston (23112)
Elijah Edens (23901)
Justin Edwards (23002)
Monica Edwards (23225)
Pacey Eide (23228)
Luke Eidson (23113)
Sofia Elliott (23838)
Ryan Ellison (23832)
Marquelia Elvira (23236)
Rachel Epps (23838)
Chloe Erickson (23834)
Samuel Escorcia (23113)
Lucia Eubanks (23113)
Chelsea Fariss (23230)
Abigail Farrow (23831)
Claudia Fegley (23831)
Scott Finch (23838)
Trudy Fisher (22520)
Michelle Fonseca (23089)
Rebekah Foss (23111)
Ella Foster (23139)
Justin Frazier (23224)
Edward Gabor (23120)
Priyanshu Gandhi (23112)
Gabriella Garcia (23112)
Jessica Garner (23838)
Kristin Gaulin (23221)
Isabel Geilman (23113)
Adam Gibbons (23113)
Robert Gil Villalta (23234)
Raven Godsey (23112)
Jake Gofton (23238)
William Golden (23803)
Dana Gonzalez (23294)
Onyx Gonzalez (23237)
James Goodman (23113)
Ashley Gordon (23838)
Marisa Gottschalk (23114)
George Grant (23113)
Nadin Grate (23834)
Rowan Grayson (28262)
Quinn Green (23059)
Trinity Green (23832)
Sydney Greenberg (23188)
Kyla Greenway (23139)
Paul Griffin (23834)
Alexander Gutzwiller (23832)
Leen Habahbeh (23113)
Fabeeha Haider (23832)
Bryce Hamilton (23112)
Katherine Hansard (20111)
Caroline Harper (23139)
Tiffany Harrington (20153)
Rebecka Harris-Randall (23832)
Melanie Haugh (23834)
Sofia Hernandez (23112)
Nicholas Herrarte Smith (23120)
Thanjira Hill (23803)
David Hinant (23831)
Latosha Hodge (23801)
Bailey Holder (23116)
Saddiq Holliday (23237)
Tiffany Howard (23139)
Kelly Huerta (23230)
Alban Huhmann (23236)
Deanna Humble (23120)
Daniel Hunter (23112)
Sophia Hutchence (23060)
Julianna Hynst (23234)
Eric Irvin (23842)
Nicolle Jack (23860)
Sarah Jackson (23112)
Micah Jefferson (23803)
Caitlyn Jenkins (23237)
Deborah Jenkins (23831)
Evan Jennings (23113)
Isabella Jennings (23113)
Lizeth Jennings (23234)
Justin Jensen (22408)
Keyli Jimenez Garcia (23838)
Henry Johns (23227)
Abbey Johnson (23838)
Angel Johnson (23834)
Daniesha Johnson (23237)
Victoria Johnson (23831)
Edgar Johnston (23237)
Crystal Jones (23840)
Eric Jones (23867)
Sunita Joshi (23233)
Aiden Karga (23059)
Benjamin Karlsen (23112)
Robert Kaufmann (23832)
Katrina Kenny (23860)
Katherine Keppel (23220)
Areeba Khan (23834)
Peris Kiarie (23832)
Byung Hun Kim (23832)
Elizabeth Kimaro (23225)
Dane King (23113)
Hannah Kinstler (23229)
Mackenzie Kirsh (23235)
Nathan Kish (23832)
Alexander Kloss (23058)
Stephen Koffley (23120)
Allison Kohler (23832)
Whitney Krentz (23838)
Aurelia Kummerlowe (23235)
Connor Kuzmick (23831)
Jesse Landis (23040)
Janna Lane (22827)
Jason Langenes (23805)
Maxwell Latimer (23831)
Gabriel Laurent (23233)
Megan Lee (23236)
Haley Lewis (23060)
Andrew Lewton (23831)
Christopher Liebrich (23832)
Andrew Lilly (23236)
Maya Lindsey (23112)
Deanna Llewellyn (23139)
Becca Lohr (23236)
Alma Lopez (23235)
Alyssa LoTempio (23112)
Elliot Loucks (23834)
Elizabeth MacPhail (23113)
Anjana Madhavan (23229)
Justine Madigan (23238)
William Magarity (23112)
Em Mancini (23219)
Madison Marchant (23834)
Kayla Markwith (23113)
Sydney Marsh (23112)
Keisha Marshall (23112)
Thomas Marshall (23838)
Melvyn Mayo (23832)
Ellery McElhinney (23114)
Thomas McGraw (23222)
Nathan McWilliams (23832)
Eva Melendez (23237)
Yomna Metwaly (23834)
Sean Michaux (23112)
Collin Miller (23838)
Eliana Miller (23113)
Luke Miller (23150)
Franciele Momberg (23005)
Cindy Monohan (23124)
Jessica Montes (23801)
Gianna Montore (23112)
Alexis Moore (23112)
Nariyah Moore (23113)
Riley Moore (23832)
Dominic Moreno (23236)
John Morley (23120)
Deakwan Mottley (23223)
Samantha Munsey (24343)
Amanda Murphy (23838)
Alison Myers (23235)
Kristen Mylott (23838)
Laith Naser (23112)
Emily Nation (23112)
Alline Neal Osorio (23112)
Moriah Neale (23838)
Allen Nelson (23831)
Keshawna Nelson (23294)
Sawyer Newton (23113)
Ian Nguyen (23112)
Vincent Nguyen (23112)
Nancy Nolasco (23832)
Alexander Norton (23234)
Berkleigh O'Brien (23235)
Rehan Offei (23831)
Sharese Ogburn (23237)
Lance Olayvar (23236)
Colleen Oldmixon (23027)
Erin Oley (23102)
John-Lewis Opher (23060)
Anitamary Oraegbu (23234)
William Orr (23235)
Jack Orton (23805)
Andrew Ospina (23832)
Oghenefejiro Ovwagbedia (23237)
Gray Owen (23831)
Catherine Owens (23228)
Alyssa Palmer (23842)
Jade Papadimitriou (23832)
Johana Paredes (23234)
Jimin Park (23059)
Lenore Parker (23235)
William Parker (23838)
Benjamin Pasquarella (23114)
Lauren Patrick (23112)
Carla Pea (22408)
Stephanie Pearce (13603)
Samantha Pegram (23831)
Samantha Pegram (23831)
Mirlandy Perez (23834)
Alan Perez-Garcia (23120)
Shemeya Perkins-Goode (22937)
Kara Pettiford (23838)
Hoang Pham (23112)
Andrew Phan (23112)
Britney Phan (23112)
Elliott Plante (23153)
Dominick Porter (23224)
Taryn Porter (23112)
Laira Pugh (23236)
Jessie Rager (23237)
Lekayla Ransome (23838)
Anthony Ratliff (23838)
Cassie Read (24016)
Austin Redford (23112)
Edward Reed (23801)
Kelly Reilly (23832)
Kimberly Renna (23885)
Sarah Repsher (23233)
Beatriz Reyes (23112)
Nevaeh Rhoe (23234)
Kalli Rice (23112)
Quincy Rice (23860)
Kaitlin Richardson (23112)
Samantha Richardson (23832)
Tyler Richardson (23836)
Jack Rigdon (23831)
Garrette Ritz (23139)
Yerik Rojas (23831)
Myah Rollf (23836)
Yasin Rosa-Suliveres (23838)
Allison Rose (23116)
Bernadette Rowe (23112)
Robert William Rowe (23112)
Adam Rucci (23120)
LeAnne Ruiz (23235)
Caroline Saady (23112)
Sumaia Saidi (23805)
Emma Sailer (23112)
Glyn Lyndell Salabao (23236)
Lauren Sale (23235)
Elisabeth Samuels (23236)
Evan Sanat (23113)
Joshua Sanchez (23834)
Whitney Sarnecky (23112)
Andrew Schweitzer (23832)
Jasmine Scott (23139)
Ryan Scott (23114)
Maria Seffah (23113)
Wilson Seward (23834)
Aron Shawcroft (23860)
Joshua Shay (23120)
Joshua Sheets (24210)
Katherine Siefring (23114)
Ariana Silva (23832)
Francina Simmons (23224)
Kyndal Singh (23114)
Lyndsey Skinner (22408)
Corey Slayton (23112)
Kelsy Smith (23805)
Mason Smith (23225)
Taylor Smith (23230)
Carlie Snidow (23114)
Hamin Son (23114)
Nicole Soriano (23831)
Rachel Southworth (23113)
Logan Stafford (23832)
Sophie Statelman (23225)
Brianna Stein (23231)
Alan Stephens (23226)
Shelby Stevens (23831)
Sophia Stewart (23831)
Morgan Strickland (23120)
Andrew Swenson (23113)
Jack Tamborski (23832)
Vanessa Tanner (23113)
Sarrah Taylor (23860)
Amy Tetterton (23860)
Mikayla Thomas (23222)
Miranda Thomas (23803)
Charlyn Todd (23803)
Jackson Toler (23113)
Caroline Tremaglio (23120)
Emily Truong (23114)
Gloria Tshitende (23860)
Gwyn Tusia (23832)
Terence Tyler (23805)
Thalita Urban (23235)
Elizabeth Valik (23875)
Jessica Vera (23221)
Adrian Vilar (23236)
Jonathan Villatoro (23112)
Cole Vita (23114)
Alexander Wade (23234)
Zoe Walker (23235)
Lily Walsh-Antzak (23832)
Ashley Walters (23235)
Ashley Walters (23235)
Shania Warner (23294)
Nathan Wassem (23139)
Brandon Watson (23237)
Zachary Weaver (30107)
Christine Weber (23185)
Kelly Wemyss (23831)
Lexie Weyant (23002)
Noah Wheeler (23112)
Michael White (23114)
Hannah Wilken (23112)
Amaris Wilkins (23832)
Margaret Wilkinson (23114)
Alisha Williams (23112)
Logan Williams (23830)
Tara Williams (23228)
Nathan Willis (23831)
William Wilson (23002)
Kyle Wilt (23236)
Elliot Winegar (23235)
Ella Wolf (23139)
Josef Wolpert (23231)
David Wood (23229)
Lin Wood (23139)
Lauren Worley (23834)
Jay'Len Wright (23113)
Stephen Yeboah (23114)
Sophia Yendrek (23113)
Lani Yohman (23139)
Leigh Zahm (23832)
Sydney Zaremba (23113)
Wanying Zheng (23236)
Syed Zia (23224)

Dean’s List (zip codes appear in parentheses)
Triniti Blizzard (23805)
Alana Brown (23120)
Corinna Carr (23060)
Shannon Davis (23112)
John Golden (23236)
Jovian Lingard (30038)
Patrick Lyons (23233)
Ritu Nelson (23831)
Naya Nicholas (23831)
Ashley Pelton (23805)
Lauren Posey (23112)
Elizabeth Rodriguez (23234)
Asia Ryan (23233)
James Wallace (23875)
Sydney Yeadon (23114)

Brightpoint Community College, one of the largest institutions in the Virginia Community College System, envisions a success story for every student. Brightpoint offers students a high-quality, high-value education, with more than 85 majors that provide pathways to careers in in-demand fields; transfer opportunities to four-year colleges and universities; and industry credentials and licensures. The college, with campuses in Chester and Midlothian, online classes, and off-campus classrooms, served more than 11,400 students during the 2021-22 academic year. It also assisted more than 5,900 learners in fiscal year 2022 through its workforce development division, Community College Workforce Alliance, a partnership between Brightpoint and Reynolds community colleges.

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