Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society Inductees Honored
The college welcomed more than 110 students into the honor society.
Primary Media Contact: Holly Walker, Public Relations Manager, 804-594-1530
Secondary Media Contact: Heather Busch, Creative Services Manager, 804-594-1532
CHESTER and MIDLOTHIAN, Va. – John Tyler, which is becoming Brightpoint, Community College proudly welcomed more than 110 new members to the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society for the 2021-2022 academic year. The students were honored during an induction ceremony held at the College’s Chester Campus on April 25, 2022. At the ceremony, the college’s Phi Theta Kappa inductees from the 2020-21 and 2019-20 academic years, who were unable to enjoy an in-person induction ceremony, were also celebrated.
Phi Theta Kappa recognizes the academic achievements of community and junior college students. To be eligible for membership in the college’s Phi Theta Kappa chapters, students who have completed 15-45 credit hours need to have a minimum GPA of 3.65, be in an associate degree program, and be enrolled full time during the semester they become a member. Students who have completed more than 45 credits must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5, be in an associate degree program, and be enrolled full- or part-time at the college during the semester they become a member. Students who transferred to the college may use a maximum of 12 transfer credits to establish total semester credit eligibility.
The college’s two Phi Theta Kappa chapters, Tau Rho and Beta Omicron Omicron, inducted the following new members (zip codes appear in parentheses):
Beta Omicron Omicron Chapter
Jennifer Ball (23236)
Brett Bluestein (23112)
Olivia Bowe (23834)
James Calderon (23834)
Logan Canard (23832)
Emmeline Carter (23233)
Clayton Chandler (23235)
Oliver Hale Daniel (23235)
Nicole Desaedeleer (23824)
Abram Donahue (23112)
Elizabeth Dooley (23233)
Trevor Eales (23236)
Erin Elam (23139)
Sofia Elliott (23838)
Jawaan Faulcon (23830)
Keyli Garcia (23838)
Caitlin Garrison (23831)
Kristin Gaulin (23221)
Arden Giasullo (23238)
Skylar Gimby (23112)
Taylor Goolsby (23139)
Marisa Gottschalk (23114)
Tatiana Gracheva (23114)
Lucius Green (23231)
Mannix Green (23059)
Leen Habahbeh (23113)
Jacob Halenda (23233)
Melanie Haugh (23834)
Jordan Hernaez (23112)
Sarah Hevener (23235)
Alvaro Huarhua-Tapia (23112)
Heather Inman (23831)
Sarah Jackson (23112)
Angela Killion (23838)
Alexis Kling (23112)
Brian Knowles (20109)
Kathryn Kuder (23832)
Haley Lewis (23060)
Theresa Lucas (23235)
Nathan Lysigner (23002)
Bruce McGeorge (23229)
Jeremy Mitchell (23321)
Kimberly Moore (23237)
Amanda Murphy (23838)
Morgan Neal (23120)
Yunjin Park (23059)
Jami Parrish (23120)
Lillie Patteson (23236)
Samantha Pegram (23831)
Alan Perrow (23236)
Lillian Ramirez Catano (23233)
Khadijah Randolph (23222)
Treashore Randolph (23113)
Rachelle Roberts (23235)
Jonathan Ryder (23838)
Latoya Saunders (23881)
Nicholle Sawyers (23114)
Heather Scott (23860)
Lauren Siecker (23832)
Onecheol Song (23235)
Logan Stafford (23832)
Charles Stocks III (23803)
Avery Taylor (23114)
Kayla Tench (23139)
Amy Tetterton (23139)
William Toney (23113)
Ha Tran (23060)
Korina Trout (23832)
Mabrey Twiggs (23112)
Cruz Walden (23834)
Holly Wescott (23112)
Frances Whelan (23002)
De'Angela Wood (23832)
Seth Woodfin (23114)
Haley Woodson (23040)
Dora Wynne (23111)
Tau Rho Chapter
Kristin Aquino (23228)
Kylie Arthur (23831)
Rylie Barnett (23860)
Shalisa Borden (23237)
Julian Borris (23112)
Raven Brunst (23841)
Winter Cairns (23834)
Nora Carlucci (23114)
Cordial Clark (23834)
Déja Cordero (23831)
William Cousins (23824)
Emily Creed (23220)
Serinati Flowers (23834)
Jacquelene Foster (23805)
Natassja Garris (23803)
Olivia Gurrieri (23228)
Faryal Haq (23112)
Mallery Harvell (23838)
Jasmine Hudson (23112)
Rochane Hurst (23836)
Destanee Joiner (23831)
Shanna Keaton (23832)
Shelby Lail (23803)
Jelissa Marshall (23075)
Sam Mitchell (23834)
David Muller (23060)
Ashleigh Nelson (23831)
Kaitlyn Owens (23831)
Riana Park (23901)
Stephanie Raciti (23228)
Ervin Richebourg (23223)
Sebine Scaria (23836)
Stacie Snyder (23834)
Francesca Verdura (23693)
Jonathan Webber (23237)
Emma Wettstein (23834)
Jacob Wiseman (23831)
Beta Omicron Omicron Chapter
Tamara Abahazy (23834)
Sara Abuhijleh (23236)
Kyla Alexander (23803)
Marissa Avalos (23237)
Madison Bendele (23139)
Linda Beyer (23139)
Amanda Bowman (23838)
Aaron Brookins (23112)
Shawn Bryant (23234)
Joshua Byers (23229)
Aubrey Carley (23233)
Erica Cornthwaite (23235)
Joshua Deaner (23112)
Stephen Deloglos (23832)
Adam Dillingham (23114)
Sophia Duncan (23114)
Anunca Earl (23224)
Elizabeth Elliott (23113)
Dustin Eppard (23294)
Joy Evans (23223)
Brandon Feller (23112)
Kris Fernandez (23227)
Avais Gilani (23113)
Kelly Givens (23112)
Raven Godsey (23112)
Josiah Graham (23112)
Lyndsey Graham (23838)
Joseph Halligan (23112)
Brennan Halquist (23139)
Nicolle Hancock (23832)
Christopher Hunt (23832)
Andria Johnson (23225)
Julia Jones (23235)
John Karlsen (23112)
Parker Kidd (23114)
Lilia Lysinger (23002)
Mayra Martinez (23693)
Samuel McKey (23114)
Eliana Miller (23113)
Taylor Moore (23236)
Faith Murerwa (23832)
Isaiah Nunez (23114)
Courtnie Palmer (24502)
Het Patel (23234)
Diana Rose Penaloza (23112)
Victoria Pope (23139)
Jacob Radabaugh (23238)
Stanley Randolph (24543)
Yashima Richardson (23235)
Arthur Rodgers (23220)
Julia Rodrigues (23112)
Paola Ruiz Diaz (23236)
Odessa Salamanca (23235)
Haley Schultz (23112)
Alexander Sellers (23060)
Rachael Sharpe (23882)
Demyana Tadros (23114)
John Traylor (23112)
Lauren Traylor (23112)
Enrique Isaias Valenzuela Lesme (23832)
Jovany Vigil-Perez (23234)
Jared Waters (23039)
Kimberly Webb (23114)
Kaytlin Whyte (23838)
Jasmine Willey (23120)
Brandon Williams (23832)
Kalli Williams (23139)
Tau Rho Chapter
Hailey Adams (23111)
James Amamo (23860)
Matthew Biles (23831)
Bailey Blevins (24375)
Jade Brown (23801)
Jamie Brown (23150)
Megan Chambers (23220)
Nalani Clarke (23237)
Corjarita Coleman-Johnson (23831)
Carrie Evelyn (23860)
Carrie Fitzpatrick (23140)
Kathryn Galvin (23805)
Lauren Grella (23120)
Emilie Guy (23831)
Raven Hill (23834)
Lacey Holbrook (24230)
Jiya Jo (23834)
Salsabel Khaleel (23860)
Josephine Knowles (23237)
Ander Lancaster (23235)
Karla Martinez (23831)
Ana Alessandra Monteiro De Bourbon Reinaldo (23112)
Jessica Payne (23831)
Regina Payne (23831)
Serana Perales Soto (23237)
Joshua Posey (23841)
Ximena Ramirez (23150)
Ashley Raynor (23231)
Mia Rivera (23860)
Yonis Rosa-Suliveres (23838)
Taghreed Saleh (23834)
Amy Sapp (23185)
Karl Schoen (23832)
Megan Schwemmer (23831)
Lisa Shamburg-Shipe (23803)
Sheila Simms (23831)
Hailey Slifer (23832)
Hunter Stainback (23850)
Hailey Thomas (23831)
Bailey Traylor (23885)
Maria Kathleen Villanueva (23234)
Kristen Williamson (23831)
Beta Omicron Omicron Chapter
Taylor Allen (23235)
Alex Ames (23235)
Virginia Anderson (23139)
Tanner Askew (23002)
Angela Auman (23220)
Charles Agbor Bakia (23832)
Hunter Beadles (23113)
Karysa Bendele (23139)
Nicholas Benke (23114)
Kenneth Bittner (23112)
Lilah Blount (23139)
Jessica Bower (23112)
Sirnearra Brown (23225)
Pimthada Bubphamala (23225)
Eric Burnett (23112)
Savannah Byrne (23111)
Kevin Calhoun (23229)
Christopher Camp (23221)
Madeline Chase (23890)
Lucas Chazo (23114)
Matthew Chervenak (23112)
Bailey Clark (23225)
Holly Clark (23114)
Luis Colón (23059)
Jackson Copi (23235)
Kyla Cotten (23112)
Bradley Cress (23824)
Amber Crittenden (23112)
Rachael Cronin (23192)
Jeremy Deboard (23113)
Jennifer Dennis (23120)
Mariama Diallo (23225)
Mike Dugger (23114)
Chandra Fanus (23231)
Jessica Farley (23112)
Katia Ferrell (23234)
Shade Fraierson (23224)
Jeffrey Fuller (23832)
Makayla Garris (23831)
Charlotte George (23221)
Mary Grabowski (40324)
Colin Graham (23838)
Tyler Grant (23113)
Todd Graves (23112)
Afreen Haq (23831)
Rebecca Hines (23220)
Sandy Ibrahim (23832)
Evan Jackson (23231)
Kayla James (23832)
Jonathan Janson (23112)
Kayla Johnson (23832)
Emily Jones (23002)
Senia Jones (23002)
April Kasparek (23222)
Cassandrita King (23838)
Allison Lawson (23231)
Veronica Lennon (23139)
Matthew Lester (23236)
John Lockett (23139)
Marissa Mansfield (23114)
Mai Marjenhoff (23832)
Samantha Markwith (23236)
Brian Marx (23220)
Margaret McDermott (23114)
Cameron McGarr (23114)
Louisa Michie (23233)
Emma-Cate Miller (23112)
Lily Miller (23222)
Amanda Monseau (23113)
Rika Nabee (23120)
Hina Naeem (23238)
Lillie Nicholas (23222)
Madison Parrish (23120)
Harshil Patel (23234)
Jonathan Patterson (23112)
Emma Piehl (23060)
Kian Pierce (23112)
Robyn Proctor (23236)
Isabelle Pruiett (23153)
Sophia Radabaugh (23238)
Trea'Shore Randolph (23832)
Rachel Redding (23236)
Lauren Reinfeld (23114)
Corey Rennie (23120)
Deanna Roberts (23139)
Tristan Rodewald (23113)
Felicia Rogers (23832)
Abigail Rutledge (23114)
Sydney Sarver (23139)
Matthew Schneider (23112)
Carrie Sheehan (23236)
Aimy Simbi (23224)
Emilee Simms (23832)
Theresa Stalls (23237)
Hillary Stevenson (23113)
Abigail Stringer (23112)
Shalanda Thornton (23832)
Jorion Tinsley (23112)
Erin Trimmer (23112)
Artre Turner (23237)
Robert Vargas (23234)
Chris Wallace (23116)
Ruby Watts (23229)
Holly Whitlock (23112)
Gabriel Williams (23238)
Randolph Zerick (23083)
Tau Rho Chapter
Arielle Andrews (23805)
Harold Arevalo (23235)
Sierra Bailey (23693)
Ethan Baker (23831)
Deborah Ball (23831)
Katie Bartlett (23838)
Joel Brewster (23831)
Susan Campbell (23831)
Krystle Carbone (23146)
Megan Carson (23834)
Christopher Clodfelter (23112)
Jeremy Collins (23112)
Tracy Connor (23832)
Adilene Coreas-Vargas (23803)
Mallory Davis (23860)
Rufus Fair (23834)
Deiman Flores (23234)
Andrew Ford (23113)
Emaleigh Golding (23114)
Harold Good (23834)
Michele Grandinetti Buccella (23831)
Jacob Hahn (23114)
Alexis Hawk (23860)
Tyrisha Hicks (23831)
Shawndel Holder (23836)
Christopher Hopkins (23831)
Stephanie Howe (23235)
Zachary Hunter (23860)
Kyle Kovalenko (23831)
Emely Mendez Ralda (23237)
Jared Monsees (23116)
Samantha Murphy (23860)
Shaun Nichols (23831)
Jessalyn Osorio (23801)
Jenisa Patel (23234)
Chelsea Philpot (23842)
Gavin Piette (23831)
Dianna Ramos (23234)
Madison Ryan (23841)
Lindsay Saccone (23889)
Ryan Seeley (23801)
Carole Skrbin (23834)
Yvonka Weaver (23260)
Miranda White (23834)
Nicholas White (23237)
Tamera Wilson (23875)
Scottie Wyatt (23831)
Kelly Yachuw (23237)
John Tyler Community College, which is becoming Brightpoint Community College on July 1, 2022, offers more than 75 majors that provide pathways to careers in high-demand fields; transfer opportunities to four-year colleges and universities; and industry credentials and licensures. The college, with campuses in Chester and Midlothian, online classes, and off-campus classrooms, served more than 12,790 students during the 2020-21 academic year. It also assisted approximately 5,700 learners, including more than 2,700 job seekers, through its workforce development division, Community College Workforce Alliance, a partnership between Tyler and Reynolds community colleges.
February 19: Change in Operations
Due to the weather, Brightpoint Community College will be operating remotely on Wednesday, February 19. Buildings on campus will be closed. Learn more...