Application for Student Club

Application for Student Interest Group

Club Advisor Manual

Budget Proposal Form
The Budget Proposal Form is a required form for all student clubs and organizations to turn in at the beginning of the academic year (August/September) to the SGA. For new clubs, please submit the request form after being approved by the SGA as a recognized student club. The form is used for student clubs to request the amount of funds they expect to use during the academic year or a particular semester.

Fundraiser Proposal
Submit a completed copy of the Fundraiser Proposal form at least 2 weeks prior to fundraiser to the Office of Student Activities.

Request for Expenditure
Submit the Request for Expenditure at least one month prior to the event date in order to utilize any Student Activities funds allocated by the college for your club. Purchases must be made in advance of planned events. If this is a request for additional funds outside of your allocated yearly budget, please attach a cover letter that outlines the reason this expenditure was not included in the annual budget request, fundraising events planned to help offset the cost, any additional pertinent information, etc. Exceptions are rare, since each organization is allocated funds each fiscal year.

Club Deposit Form
The club deposit form needs to be signed off by the Student Activities Coordinator. The club advisor or one of the club officers will then deposit funds with the business office. The club will then need to provide a copy of the signed deposit slip by the business office to the Student Activities Coordinator. Copies can be sent via email or delivered in-person.

Field Trip Authorization Forms

Complete Field Trip Authorization forms at least two weeks prior to the student club field trip. Each participant will need to complete a field trip authorization form before departing for the field trip. Advisors are responsible for collecting authorization forms. Advisors will need to leave one copy of each liability form on campus and take one copy on the field trip.

Student Athlete Form
If you are participating on any Brightpoint Intramural Team, please complete the Student Athlete Form. The form must be completed in its entirety for a Brightpoint student to participate in any intramural sport involving Brightpoint.