Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act
The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act is a federal law that provides the tracking of convicted, registered sex offenders who are enrolled, employed, or volunteer at higher education institutions. The Act amends the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. These amendments require that sex offenders, who are already required to register in a state, provide notice of any enrollment, employment, and volunteerism at any and all higher education institutions within that state.
In accordance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, the Brightpoint campus community is advised that the Virginia State Police Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry may be accessed to obtain information on registered sex offenders. This site is maintained by the Virginia State Police and provides information about registered sex offenders in Brightpoint's service area and in the state of Virginia. Upon accessing the website, click on the "sex offender registry" link for relevant information pertaining to registered sex offenders.
Individuals on the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry
Section 23-2🔢1 of the Code of Virginia requires that the VCCS send enrollment information to the Virginia State Police concerning applicants to institutions of higher education. This information is transmitted electronically and compared against the Virginia Criminal Information Network and National Crime Information Center Convicted Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry.
If the College receives notification, the following procedures apply:
A. The College’s Threat Assessment Team (TAT) shall be notified and consider the applicant or student’s enrollment for a determination of whether he/she is a threat to the campus community or danger to themselves, other students, faculty or staff (i.e., campus community). The Dean of Students reserves the right to suspend the individual or withhold the application on an interim basis while TAT considers the case.
B. Before a recommendation is made by the TAT to the Dean of Students, the TAT will notify the applicant or student in writing that they will be afforded an opportunity to appear in person before TAT or present relevant information in writing regarding their sex offender or crimes against minors status for consideration of whether he/she is a threat or danger to the campus community. Upon receipt of such notice, the applicant or student shall have five (5) business days to contact the Dean of Students Office and arrange a meeting to appear before TAT or provide a written response. At a minimum, the applicant or student shall provide the following information:
- Disclosure of the nature of the offense for which he/she has been convicted;
- Justification for consideration of admissions/ reinstatement; If the applicant or student does not respond within the requested timeframe, the Dean of Students Office shall inform him/her that TAT will proceed.
C. The TAT shall make a determination of whether a threat or danger exists and recommend to the Dean of Students whether to deny admission or revoke enrollment.
D. The Dean of Students Office shall notify the applicant or student in writing of the TAT’s recommendation and afford him/her with an opportunity to respond in writing within five (5) business days.
E. The Dean of Students Office shall forward the TAT recommendation and any response(s) received from the applicant or student to the vice president of learning and student success (or designee) who may consult with TAT and shall issue a final decision in writing regarding admission or enrollment.
F. The College will provide the campus community through its catalog or web site information on how to access the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry consistent with state and federal law.
College Closed January 20, 2025
The college will be closed Monday, January 20, for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. There will be no classes, and all college offices will be closed.