On-Campus Recycling

The college has implemented a single-stream recycling program. Bins placed around campus allow people to recycle paper, plastic bottles, cans, glass, newspapers, telephone books and catalogs, all in one bin. No sorting is required. Wet paper, paper towels, food containers and plastic bags should not be placed in the bins.

Greener Spaces

When the college began planning for Phase II of the Midlothian campus, it looked to the future by incorporating green elements into the building’s planning and design. In fact, Hamel Hall on the Midlothian Campus was the first project in the Virginia Community College System to be registered under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System. To become LEED-certified, a project must earn credits in key areas that promote human and environmental health, including sustainable site design, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality.

Phase III of Midlothian, the Trailblazer Hall, is the first new construction academic building constructed under the International Green Construction Code (IGCC) as part of the Commonwealth’s Virginia Energy Conservation and Environmental Standards (VEES) program.

On the Chester Campus, renovations in Beacon Hall, the Nicholas Center and Discovery Hall included the use of low-VOC materials and finishes. Efforts will also be made to improve energy efficiency in all Chester buildings through insulation and roofing materials. Building HVAC controls and light fixtures have also been swapped out at Chester; all with the goal of improving the building’s energy efficiency.

Finally, the college’s Facilities Department is modifying its operating processes and maintenance procedures to incorporate integrated pest management in grounds maintenance, green housekeeping practices and recycling when possible.

Stormwater Management

Virginia's rivers and their tributaries are important, productive natural and recreational resources. Help them stay this way by reading about these simple ways to do your part for the commonwealth's water quality.

An illicit discharge is defined as any discharge into a storm drain that is not composed entirely of stormwater. Brightpoint's MS4 program strives to address public and individual concerns on stormwater impacts and encourages the community’s contribution regarding illicit discharges. The discovery and reporting of possible hazardous runoff conditions is essential to the reduction of pollutants in local waterways. In order to detect and eliminate both direct and indirect illicit discharges, Brightpoint has developed an Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Program, which relies strongly on regular inspections and public input. If you would like to report possible or suspected illicit discharges, please contact Chip Kramer, Director of Facilities, or call the Facilities Department at 804-594-1430 (Midlothian Campus) or 804-706-5063 (Chester Campus).

MS4 Program Plan Documentation

MS4 General Permit 2023-2028 & Coverage Letter
2024-2025 MS4 Program Plan
VCCS Annual Standards & Specifications 2024

MS4 Program Plan Support Manuals

Good Housekeeping & Pollution Prevention Manual 2023-2024
Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Manual 2023-2024
Post-Construction Stormwater Management Inspection & Maintenance Manual 2023-2024

MS4 Program Action Plans

Phase III Chesapeake Bay Action Plan 2023-2028
Chesapeake Bay TMDL Implementation Annual Status Report 2023-2024
James River Tidal Bacteria TMDL Action Plan *
Chester Nutrient Management Plan
Midlothian Nutrient Management Plan

MS4 Annual Reports 

MS4 General Permit Annual Report 2023-2024 *
MS4 General Permit Annual Report 2022-2023 *
MS4 General Permit Annual Report 2021-2022 *

Pollution Prevention Educational Materials

After the Storm - A Citizen’s Guide to Understanding Stormwater
Safety and Security Information: Hazardous Spills

To submit comments about Brightpoint’s Stormwater Program or report an illicit discharge, contact Security Services at:
Chester: 804-796-4025
Midlothian: 804-897-6678

*The college changed its name to Brightpoint Community College on July 1, 2022.