Brightpoint Community College Foundation
Your Support Changes Lives
Your support of the Brightpoint Community College Foundation helps open doors to life-changing opportunities for Brightpoint students.
Our mission is to partner with our community to provide financial resources that aid students, support academic programs and facilities, and fund student support services.
As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, we rely on charitable contributions from donors to achieve our mission. Thank you for your support!
See your impact.
Your Support Matters
For so many people, Brightpoint is the link between existing and excelling, between getting by and thriving. Your investment in the Brightpoint Community College Foundation helps the college deliver high-quality education in a friendly and supportive community that inspires students to achieve more. Whether a Brightpoint student continues with his or her education at a four-year university or launches a career, the Brightpoint experience has prepared that student for success. Your gift makes that possible.
Funding Priorities
Annual Fund
Gifts to Brightpoint's Greatest Need (Annual Fund) provide critical resources to meet the changing needs of Brightpoint students and the college. From grants that support faculty initiatives to student emergency funds, your gift ensures the Brightpoint Community College Foundation is able to quickly pivot to address needs as they arise. Thanks to annual fund donors, the Foundation was able to help more than 225 students persist in their education during COVID-19 by helping with expenses like housing, utilities and food.
College & Student Programs
The Brightpoint Community College Foundation provides funding for a number of college and student programs that ensure student success. Initiatives include facility improvements and equipment needs for academic programs, faculty innovation projects, emergency funding for students, tutoring and academic support services, and so much more.
Scholarships are a cornerstone of the Brightpoint Community College Foundation and provide a pathway for students to access high-quality, affordable education at Brightpoint. Annual and endowed scholarships are awarded based on a variety of criteria and are both need- and merit-based.
- Annual scholarships can be established with an initial commitment of $2,500 which can be fulfilled over two years.
- Endowed scholarships can be established with a commitment of $30,000 which can be fulfilled over five years. Additional gifts to endowed scholarships of any amount are welcomed.
Discover how you can make a difference in the lives of our students by establishing a scholarship.
Endowment Gifts
Gifts to our General Endowment and the William H. Talley III Endowment for Workforce Development provide student funding in perpetuity. We gratefully accept gifts of any amount to these funds.
As of July 1, 2021, the Foundation will apply a one-time 4 percent administrative fee to all restricted gifts with the exception of gifts to endowed funds.
When I received the scholarship, it was a huge burden lifted off of me and my family, knowing that I could pursue my education and not have to put anything else on the back burner.
Business Administration student

Foundation Board and Staff
Additional Information
February 20: Change in Operations
Due to the weather, Brightpoint Community College will be operating remotely on Thursday, February 20. Buildings on campus will be closed. Learn more...