The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) supports the goals of the college by conducting research and disseminating information; leading collegewide assessment and the Institutional Review Board (IRB); coordinating strategic planning; managing the preparation of Federal, State, Regional Accreditation, and System-level reports; handling ad hoc data-related support; and serving in a liaison capacity between Brightpoint and governing and accrediting bodies.

OIE works collaboratively with all members of the college community to enhance the educational mission of the college. OIE serves the college community by a culture of data-driven evidence, modeled after a national standard of excellence for institutional research in community colleges. Data will be used to inform decision-making at all levels of the college.

OIE is responsible for these areas:


Data Reporting and Support

Strategic Planning

During the 2020-21 academic year, the Strategic Planning Task Force, a team comprised of internal and external stakeholders, developed our next strategic plan to guide the college through 2027. The plan was approved by the College Board in June 2021.

Our new plan captures elements of our updated Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Plan and is based on the Virginia Community College System's Opportunity 2027 Strategic Plan. Over the next six years, we commit to continuing our work to achieve equitable outcomes in learning and student success, and to our ongoing mission and vision.

Brightpoint's goals for Opportunity 2027 are:

  1. Advance equity in access, inclusion, and completion by strengthening our student and academic supports, particularly for our underserved populations of students.
  2. Expand and enhance our funding and finance models to include flexible financial options to students.
  3. Provide educational and career pathways through expanded partnerships and experiential learning options for students.
  4. Identify and invest in innovative processes and equity practices to improve and promote a culture of professional excellence and student success.

Institutional Research

If you are requesting to perform research at the college, please download and complete the form, and send it to The college's site Institutional Review Board (IRB) will review your application and notify you as to whether or not your request has been approved.

Assessment and Evaluation

  • Student Survey of Instruction (SSI)
    OIE uses SmartEvalsTM to administer course evaluations.
  • Annual Program-Level Academic Assessment
    Annually, program coordinators analyze student success based on assessment tools that align with program-level student learning outcomes (P-SLOs).  The annual reports are peer-reviewed in teams, and feedback is provided to the program coordinator in support of continuous improvement of academic programs.
  • Program Review
    In addition to an annual assessment of program-level student learning outcomes (P-SLOs), program coordinators periodically perform a longitudinal analysis of several variables, including programmatic changes, headcount, enrollment, student success factors, facilities, faculty, transfer rates, employment, and a demographic analysis of their student populations.  The program review is designed to be both a retrospective analysis and a tool to help program coordinators plan future programmatic changes.
  • General Education Outcomes Assessment
    In 2017, the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) revised the general education outcomes for the Commonwealth.  SCHEV selected four outcomes, with the intention that colleges would select two additional outcomes.  A VCCS taskforce selected two additional outcomes in 2018.  All six competencies are to be assessed annually.  The six competencies are Civic Engagement, Critical Thinking, Professional Readiness, Quantitative Literacy, Scientific Literacy, and Written Communication.
  • Administrative Unit Outcomes
    Administrative units selected administrative unit outcomes aligned to the strategic plan.  Annually, administrative units assess these outcomes.  Administrative units also assess achievement toward System-level strategic goals, annually.  Finally, administrative units develop internal goals and monitor progress, as evidence of continuous improvement in administrative units.