Dual Enrollment and Concurrent Pipeline Information for Students
Dual enrollment and concurrent pipeline (DE) students are Brightpoint students. DE students receive the following benefits:
- Students earn both high school and college credit for the courses they take.
- Students are eligible for a Brightpoint student ID card, which they can use to access discounts throughout the community.
- Students may use and borrow materials from the Brightpoint libraries.
- Students may attend activities, events, and participate in student clubs and organizations at Brightpoint.
- Students may use the campus fitness centers and recreational facilities at no charge.
- Students may use the Academic Resource Center.
Becoming a DE Student
- Talk to your parent or guardian as well as a school counselor to see if Dual Enrollment or Concurrent Pipeline is right for you.
- Complete a Brightpoint application online (secure instructions from your school counselor).
- Take the Virginia Placement Tests (if required).
- Complete and submit the required Parental Permission Form and return to your school counselor.
Student Expectations
You are required to physically attend class. Faculty will outline specific class attendance policies and other requirements in their class syllabus.
Dual enrollment/concurrent pipeline students must be mature, highly motivated and prepared to meet college-level expectations which include:
- Take notes during class lectures and devote ample time for homework and study
- Submit all assignments and complete projects on time
- Be present during class sessions and adhere to college honor and disciplinary codes to avoid withdrawal
- Strive to achieve no lower than a final grade of ‘C’ to maintain satisfactory academic performance
Student Conduct
Students are expected to conduct themselves in an honorable manner in all of their academic work. All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Brightpoint. Cheating on quizzes, tests, and examinations, unauthorized cooperation between students, unauthorized help from others, plagiarism, and the unauthorized use of software, databases, or expert advice that is contrary to the instructions of the professor are acts of academic dishonesty.
Impact on Student Record
Dual Enrollment and Concurrent Pipeline courses become part of your college transcript. Grades earned become part of your permanent postsecondary GPA. Poor performance in dual enrollment can impact college admissions, scholarship opportunities, academic standing and financial aid eligibility. Students earning a grade of ‘F’ for a dual enrollment or concurrent pipeline course will be permanently removed from the program.
Student Accommodations and Support Services
Students are required to initiate contact with one of our professional counselors in the Student Accessibility Services office if they wish to utilize accommodations and support services for DE courses. Approval of services must be pursued prior to the start of the school year. A Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Intake Form is available on the Brightpoint website and it should be submitted with supporting documentation.
Helpful Transfer Tips for Dual Enrollment Students
- Keep a copy of your course syllabus; you may need to reference it or provide it to a college or university when transferring.
- Order transcripts. If you are going to a school other than Brightpoint, you must have your Brightpoint official transcripts sent to the college that you are attending. Brightpoint transcripts will not automatically be sent to other colleges; you must request them to be sent. Online requests for official transcripts are made through our partnership with Parchment.
- Check out the SCHEV transfer tool and Brightpoint Guaranteed Admissions Agreements.
Graduating as a Concurrent Pipeline Student
- Our Concurrent Enrollment liaison with work with you to ensure you are prepared to graduate.
- You will attend and graduate with all Brightpoint Community College students.
- If you need to order transcripts, official transcripts are made through our partnership with Parchment.
Enrolling at Brightpoint After High School Graduation
When you graduate from high school, you will be able to enroll at Brightpoint and complete any of Brightpoint’s degrees and certificates. You will not need to apply again since you are already a Brightpoint student. When you are ready to start classes, you will need to meet with an advisor at one of our campuses.
February 20: Change in Operations
Due to the weather, Brightpoint Community College will be operating remotely on Thursday, February 20. Buildings on campus will be closed. Learn more...